The Local Mission of Ariège studies your training needs on a case-by-case basis, and guides you towards suitable training actions, most of which are free and remunerated. It works in collaboration with the services of the Regional Council, the Pôle Emploi and the MLDS.
Career guidance actions:
They help you build your professional project and validate it, in particular through internships in companies. Some actions take place in small groups and offer both teamwork and individualized work. Other shorter actions are totally individualized.
These actions can lead to entry into qualifying training, a work-study contract or an employment contract.
Qualifying actions:
They allow you to acquire the knowledge necessary for the job targeted in your professional project. Depending on the case, you are preparing a diploma or a Professional Qualification Certificate (CQP).
Pre-qualifying action may be necessary before entering training if you need to strengthen your general knowledge or to prepare for qualification by acquiring prior technical knowledge.
During the training period, you are a vocational training trainee. The cost is covered and depending on the case, you receive remuneration, if you are a job seeker.
Notre Application MLJob :
Nous possédons également une application mobile destinée aux jeunes qui vous permet d'y trouver des offres d'emploi mais aussi des offres de formation !
MLJob est disponible sur Android et iOS :